reference source



func main() {
	var a int = 45
	var b *int = &a
	fmt.Println(a, *b)

45 45

Use pointers to manipulate elements in array

func main() {
	a := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
	b := &a[0]
	c := &a[1]
	fmt.Printf("%v %p %p", a, b, c)

[1 2 3] 0xc000018180 0xc000018188

In go, you cannot access the memory by mathematical operations.

func main() {
	a := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
	b := &a[0]
	c := &a[1] - 8
	fmt.Printf("%v %p %p", a, b, c)

invalid operation: &a[1] - 8 (mismatched types *int and untyped int)

It is also possible to create pointers to objects

func main() {
	var ms *myStruct = &myStruct{foo: 43}

type myStruct struct {
	foo int


new() cannot specify a given value at creation time.

func main() {
	var ms *myStruct = new(myStruct)

type myStruct struct {
	foo int


The pointer's initial value is nil, so remember to check first avoiding runtime error.

func main() {
	var ms *int


The method to get the value from the pointer object, line 4 is a syntax sugar.

func main() {
	var ms *myStruct = &myStruct{foo: 32}


array vs slice

Because array is a fixed length, it stores data directly.
But the slice is the underlying projection of the array, which stores a pointer to the first element of the underlying array
So when copying, array is deep copy, but slice is shallow copy


Like Slice, a map stores a pointer to the first element of the underlying array.