reference source



func main() {
	classPopulations := map[string]int{
		"A": 33,
		"B": 41,
		"C": 37,
	fmt.Println(classPopulations) //map[A:33 B:41 C:37]

Most types (such as array) can be used as keys, but a few types (such as slices) cannot.

func main() {
	m := map[[3]int]string{}

You can also create a map with make()

func main() {
	classPopulations := make(map[string]int)
	classPopulations = map[string]int{
		"A": 33,
		"B": 41, 
		"C": 37,

You can directly add key-value into it

func main() {
	classPopulations := make(map[string]int)
	classPopulations = map[string]int{
		"A": 33,
		"B": 41,
		"C": 37,
	classPopulations["D"] = 55
	fmt.Println(classPopulations["D"]) //55

The order of the map is not guaranteed unlike array or slice.

delete() delete the key-value according to the key

func main() {
	classPopulations := make(map[string]int)
	classPopulations = map[string]int{
		"A": 33,
		"B": 41,
		"C": 37,
	delete(classPopulations, "A")

If the key does not exist in the map, it will return (zero-value false).

func main() {
	classPopulations := make(map[string]int)
	classPopulations = map[string]int{
		"A": 33,
		"B": 41,
		"C": 37,
	pop, ok := classPopulations["D"]
	fmt.Println(pop, ok) //0 false

len() can also take the number of key-values owned by the map

map is pass by reference

func main() {
	classPopulations := make(map[string]int)
	classPopulations = map[string]int{
		"A": 33,
		"B": 41,
		"C": 37,
	sc := classPopulations
	delete(sc, "C")
	fmt.Println(sc) //map[A:33 B:41]
	fmt.Println(classPopulations) //map[A:33 B:41]