tags: leetcode

875. Koko Eating Bananas


  • From sum the piles into one pile then divided by h, we will get the minimum rate L.
  • When piles's amount is equal to h, the maximum rate is R.
  • L ~ R, need to find the minimum rate, so it's L <= R.
  • ans will be the minimum, so there's no need to use min(ans, k)


class Solution:
    def minEatingSpeed(self, piles: List[int], h: int) -> int:
        L, R = math.ceil(sum(piles)/h), max(piles)
        ans = R

        while L <= R:
            k = ((L+R)//2)
            hour = sum(math.ceil(i/k) for i in piles)
            if hour > h:
                L = k + 1
                ans = k
                R = k - 1
        return ans