180. Consecutive Numbers (SQL)

tags: leetcode, sql

180. Consecutive Numbers


  1. use ROW_NUMBER OVER(ORDER BY num, id) to rank the num, num must be ordered first.
  2. Because ROW_NUMBER() is stored by UNSIGNED, it will cause negative number in (id - ROW_NUMBER()). To avoid this, using CAST(... as SIGNED) to change the datatype is a good option.
  3. By changing the num at "HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3", it can be dynamic.


SELECT DISTINCT num as ConsecutiveNums 
    SELECT num,
     id - CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY num, id) as SIGNED) as rk
      FROM Logs
      ) u 
      GROUP BY u.num, u.rk 
 -- No flexible.
 SELECT m.num as ConsecutiveNums FROM Logs m
     INNER JOIN Logs a ON a.num = m.num
     INNER JOIN Logs b ON b.num = m.num
 WHERE a.id = m.id + 1 AND b.id = m.id + 2
 GROUP BY m.num